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The world of communication has rapidly changed in recent years. According to a recent study, 82% of cell phones are smartphones, and are being used to communicate via calls, texts, email, chat applications, and social media platforms. With the rise of Internet and smartphone usage, social media is now a primary mode of communication for many criminals. As a result, law enforcement must seek insights from all forms of communication channels, including the vast amounts of data available on the internet.
Despite the wealth of information available on social media, there are many outdated beliefs about its usefulness and feasibility in investigations. In this webinar, internet-communications expert Scott Tuma busts some of the most common myths surrounding live social media collection and analysis:

  • Myth 1: The cost of social media data collection is too high.
  • Myth 2: The setup and monitoring process is complex and overwhelming.
  • Myth 3: Social media data isn't useful.
  • Myth 4: Most useful data disappears before you can get it.
  • Myth 5: It's impossible to work with social media giants.

We are also joined by Doug Ridenour Jr. of the Modesto Police Department who will share best practices and discuss what's next for live social media collection and analysis in criminal investigations.

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Scott Tuma

IP Program Director, PenLink

Scott Tuma is widely recognized for his expertise in internet communication data investigations. For the past decade, Scott has been dedicated to advising law enforcement at the State, Federal, and International levels on how to effectively leverage social media in investigations.

Doug Ridenour

Modesto Police Department