Date And Time

December 5, 2023 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM CT


Online via GoToWebinar


As an investigator, you’re constantly searching for ways to close cases faster. One of the most effective ways to do so is by implementing social media data from multiple sources, but how?

In this session, social media intercept expert Scott Tuma will explain the importance of requesting data from multiple social media companies, show methods for acquiring and processing large returns, and share successes from agencies who've done it. 

Key topics include:

  • Available datasets from social media, email, and mobile forensic providers
  • Keyword searching, gallery views of digital media, and links back to original conversations
  • Geolocation and site resolution for IP address logins and precision location via Google, Snapchat, and Facebook data

By the end of this webinar, attendees will:

  • Learn what to ask for on search warrant returns from numerous social media companies
  • Understand the acquiring and processing of data received from familiar social media platforms
  • Describe examples of how other agencies are using social media to solve cases faster

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The content of this webinar is intended for Law Enforcement personnel. Attendees are prohibited from sharing, copying, or disseminating any part of the material presented. Participation requires the use of an agency or government email address; the use of personal email accounts from services such as Gmail, Yahoo, or similar providers will not be approved.

Scott Tuma

IP Program Director, PenLink

Scott Tuma is widely recognized for his expertise in internet communication data investigations. For the past decade, Scott has been dedicated to advising law enforcement at the State, Federal, and International levels on how to effectively leverage social media in investigations. Scott is frequently invited to present his work to leading investigators.